Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alice Springs

Hello, its starting to get really cold now in Australia. The weather is gearing up for winter. My son had soccer training tonight in the wet.

This painting is a picture of the Springs in Alice Springs. My daughter has just returned from school camp. Having spent eight days away on a bus travelling out back Australia.


Amanda Russian said...

Hey Kay...how've ya been. Hope your daughter got plenty of photos for you to paint from out west...looking forward to seeing more.

perugina said...

Kay, i see another beautiful painting added to your portfolio.
One day i might try my hand at pastels.. im not a fan however of the dust it creates.. my guess is i would have to wear gloves.. do you?
I love the way you are able to layer so many colours to build up the picture.. looks so complex.
I really admire your work.
Keep warm

Kay said...

hi Kay, I am Kay Too! Nice pastel painting. I bought Unisons while in London in 2008 and carried them around Europe and never used them! Now I need to get those out and try them! Have a great day!

magicmyst said...

Hi Amanda, thanks for dropping by. Yes, I am going to turn my hand at some other outback pictures too.
Hi Perugina, yes pastel does create dust but I don't mind the mess. I don't use gloves but perhaps I should. I am a very tactile poerson and love th feel of the surface texture and the pastel.

Hi Kay, nice to hear from another Kay. I look forward to seeing your work with unisons.


Holly Zemak said...

Hi Kay - One of the things I enjoy about blogging is meeting people from around the world. While you are entering Winter we are warming up with Spring. Lovely painting, you have a free hand with color that works well!

Catherine Jeffrey said...

When I enlarge the picture, I can see all of that wonderful color you have blended in the water and on the people. This is a very striking picture. Love it.

magicmyst said...

Hi Holly and Catherine, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my picture. Love hearing from you both. Kay

Unknown said...

Hi. I just want to say that it was a nice reading. I hope you come out with more interesting posts, because I bookmarked your website. All the best.
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