Sunday, October 19, 2008

What makes art sell???????

I have been on nights for the last two weeks, which has meant my art work coming to a stand still. I have to just try and survive the two weeks and any creativity is gone. On a happier note, I have sold these three paintings at different places over the last month. A great feeling selling your art work because you know somebody really loves it enough to buy and treasure it. They appreciate it bydisplaying it on their walls for family and friends to view. But why do people buy your art and what is a winning formula? I have no idea. Do people buy art because they admire the painting, or is it because the colors suit the room they wish to display it in, or are they reminded of a feeling, an emotion that is captured by the picture? A friend of mine has a theory that only paintings with orange in them sell. After this I went around to art shows checking out the paintings that had sold. Sure enough most of them did have orange in them. All I know is that I will keep painting things because I like them. The subject needs to appeal to me, inspire me and bring out an emotion or a thought. Once art is no longer enjoyable I think there will be no point in continuing to paint.


Wendi. S. said...

Congrats on selling your paintings.

PastelGuy said...

Orange, eh? So that's where I've gone wrong! Congrats on the selling of your paintings - I wish that I were so successful! I'm not sure what triggers people to buy art, either. At my show last month, people were commenting on things they saw in my paintings which I had no intention of putting there. A person's response to art is just so subjective that we, as artists, just have to do what we love, and hope that someone else returns that love. Is is truly inspired art anymore if you're painting something you THINK someone MIGHT like?

Holly Zemak said...

Congratulations on selling your paintings - and sorry about working the night shift. That would take the wind out of my sails. As for selling art, they say paint what you love and your patrons will find you. But,that is much easier said than done.

magicmyst said...

Thanks Wendi, Matthew and Holly for your comments adn congratulations.